Generate additional revenue
This product provides €35 per booking on average.
Offer peace of mind
Reassure travelers to take connecting flights, trains, buses or even virtual interlining.
Remove frustration
Delight your customers with proactive service. Thanks to connecting time tracking, solutions are offered instantly.
How it works

1. Your customer has a risk to miss their connection
We detect in real-time disruptions happening on one of the journeys.
2. We track connecting time
When a disruption endangers a connection, we trigger compensation.
3. Compensation is sent instantly
The compensation can be sent directly by Koala or by you (in cash or in voucher).
Why Koala Missed Connection ?
Why Koala
Missed Connection ?

Remove your risk exposure
By offering your Missed connection guarantee, remove your risk exposure on trips with connections.
Flights (virtual or traditional interlining), trains, buses, ferries, Koala Missed Connection is adaptable to any transport.
An automated & proactive product
We have the required connection time for all transports depending on the journey, we can notify customers in real-time.
Your customer receives their compensation into their bank account. They can rebook a trip at minimal cost.

Delighted travellers
We have one goal: to ensure that 100% of eligible customers are compensated.
Our big plus: no proof is needed to obtain compensation.
Flexible & fast integration
The product can be integrated into your ecosystem in less than a week for free.
We help you with designing an optimized interface to obtain the best conversion rate. All in line with your brand image.

What is covered
Our product Koala Missed Connection is designed to offer the best protection to travelers. We will protect your customers if the missed connection is due to :
Bad weather conditions
Traffic restrictions
Technical problem with the vehicle
Impact on the vehicle
Problem with the crew